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Chemotherapy is treatment of malignant neoplasms using drugs disrupting the life cycle of tumor cells. The use of chemotherapeutic agents is essential in the complex treatment of cancer diseases.

Our clinic applies both time-tested chemotherapeutic agents and the advanced highly effective targeted drugs — they affect malignant cells, not damaging civilized cells. We also have the advanced hormonal agents that are used in treatment of certain types of tumors. They express hormone receptors and are sensitive to hormonotherapy.

Chemotherapy is carried out for the purpose of complete tumor destruction or removal of as many tumor cells as possible and reduction of the tumor size as much as possible.

Chemotherapy in our clinic is carried out by an experienced oncologist-chemotherapist who has a great experience and knows the current knowledge and approaches to diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasm.

Treatment is carried out under three basic programmes:

  1. before the planned cancer surgery to reduce the tumor size and decrease the scope of surgical intervention (neoadjuvant chemotherapy). The chemotherapy course also reduces the size of a nonresectable tumor, which allows the specialists to conduct surgery at the next stage of complex treatment.
  2. after surgical treatment (adjuvant chemotherapy). The use of chemotherapy after tumor removal significantly reduces the probable recurrence and prevents metastasis.
  3. upon cancer metastasis (therapeutic chemotherapy) allows to slow down the metastasis process.

Treatment is available on an out-patient and in-patient basis. If necessary, a 1-day stay in the in-patient department (daily drug administration, unwellness, development of complications, patient’s desire) .

Chemotherapy courses are carried out in accordance with the latest international protocols. They are approved by the leading oncological societies (ESMO, NCCN, ASCO).

Drugs used in chemotherapy often cause toxic reactions. All side effects require the timely determination and assignment of the appropriate treatment.

Chemotherapy side effects are divided into three categories:

Immediate: occur immediately or within a day after treatment. They include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as fever and strong weakness, loss of appetite.

Acute side effects may appear 7-10 days after the course of treatment and are expressed in sudden deterioration of blood properties, disruption of liver and kidneys, inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity and intestinal tract.

Delayed side effects are expressed in hair loss, impaired cardiovascular activity and decreased klendusity.

Do not fear side effects of chemotherapy and refuse from treatment. We'll assist in prompt and most effective elimination of any side effects. We use the latest and effective antiemetic, antioxidant, tonic and immunostimulant agents to ensure the comfortable experience of the chemotherapy course. 

The Department of Chemotherapy (in-patient department) provides the following services:

  • Oncologist consultation, appointment and conducting of chemotherapy (on an in-patient basis, short-term hospitalization is possible for accompanying and symptomatic therapy);
  • Chemotherapy according to schemes (protocols) of other institutions, including the foreign ones (Israel, Germany, USA). We can use the drugs provided by the patient.
  • Issuance of referrals to PET-CT and consultation after PET-CT.
  • Individual programmes of early diagnostics of tumors (screening and tumor markers).