The in-patient department is located on Floor 7.
The department has wards with all conveniences (TV, air conditioner, toilet and shower), patient monitoring devices. The operating room of the in-patient department is equipped with state-of-the-art surgical equipment in accordance with the world standards. All surgical interventions are performed by high-level certificate surgeons, candidates and doctors of science.
The in-patient department offers plasmapheresis service upon various diseases, infusion therapy upon neurological, cardiovascular, ENT pathology, etc. Diagnostic gastroscopy and colonoscopy, as well as endoscopic removal of stomach and colonic polyps under intravenous anesthesia.
After the surgery, the patient is usually discharged under supervision of an operating surgeon. If necessary, the patient in the in-patient department is supervised by an admitting physician. Postoperative recovery takes place in the comfortable and cosy environment of your own home under the close supervision of medical personnel.
The following operations are carried out:
- surgery;
- proctology;
- urology:
- prostatitis treatment using ProstaLund device;
- cystoscopy, ureteroscopy;
- lithotripsy;
- traumatology and orthopedics;
- gynecology:
- hysteroscopy;
- laparoscopic surgery;
- endoscopy (electronic videoscopy):
- endoscopy under sedation anesthesia;
- transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
- endosurgery:
- laparoscopic surgery;
- otolaryngology;
- plasmapheresis;
- plastic surgery;
- treatment of temporomandibular pathology.
on Lomonosovskiy
Denis StanislavovichHigh-Level Certificate
Trauma Orthopaedistcandidate of medical science
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Александр КорнеевичВрач - колопроктолог
Кандидат медицинских наук
Length of service: 15 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Irina PetrovnaHigh-Level Certificate
Obstetrician-GynecologistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Sergey BorisovichHigh-Level Certificate
ENT SpecialistCandidate of Medical Science
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Yekaterina OlegovnaObstetrician-Gynecologist
Category 2Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Дина Анатольевнак.м.н.
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Инна ВалерьевнаЗаведующий отделением, врач-оториноларинголог
Доктор медицинских наук, профессор
on Lomonosovskiy
Ivan DmitrievichHigh-Level Certificate
ColoproctologistCandidate of Medical Science
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Евгения ВладимировнаЗаведующая отделением,
Врач-акушер - гинекологКандидат медицинских наук
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Svetlana VladimirovnaHigh-Level Certificate
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Александра СергеевнаВрач - оториноларинголог
Кандидат медицинских наук
Length of service: 14 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Olga SergeevnaHigh-Level Certificate
Obstetrician-GynecologistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Svetlana NikolaevnaHigh-Level Certificate
Obstetrician-GynecologistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Galina ViktorovnaOncologist
candidate of medical science
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Ирина ВладимировнаВрач - акушер-гинеколог,
врач ультразвуковой диагностикиLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Marina ViktorovnaHigh-Level Certificate
ENT Specialistcandidate of medical science
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Konstantin YereneevichHigh-Level Certificate
UrologistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Полина ЕвгеньевнаВрач - акушер-гинеколог
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Lyudmila AfanasyevnaHigh-Level Certificate
ENT SpecialistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
Andrey VladimirovichHigh-Level Certificate
Trauma OrthopaedistLength of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Vyacheslav MikhailovichOphthalmologist
M.D., Professor
Length of service: more than 20 years
on Lomonosovskiy
on Lomonosovskiy
Александр АлександровичВрач - сердечно-сосудистый хирург
Высшей категорииLength of service: 12 years