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Specialists of our department will assist you in all areas of dentistry:

  • dental care,
  • periodontology,
  • tooth removal,
  • prosthetics,
  • implantation,
  • professional hygiene,
  • occlusal rehabilitation.

Any dentist may consult you and prepare an optimal treatment plan, and the joint work of all specialists allows to achiveve a good result: high quality of treatment and comfortable stay in our department.

Therapeutic admission includes treatment of caries and its complications, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.

Currently, dental implantation is a reliable and effective method of treatment, regardless of the number of teeth lost.

We use two implant systems:

Astra Tech, Sweden;

Alpha Bio, Israel

Our specialists — surgeons, orthopedists, dental technicians — passed good training in the best Russian and foreign centres (Sweden, Norway, Germany) and have a great experience in implantology.

Orthodontists carry out occlusal rehabilitation using braces, occlusal plates and invisible aligners.

We work closely with our foreign colleagues from the USA and Germany on issues of manufacturing of individual prosthetic structures.

  • All our employees are ready to help and support you because we understand that a visit to a dentist does not induce joy, so we do our best to ensure your good mood.