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Highly specific, pre-biopsy, prostate cancer diagnostics (the latest international recommendations).

Highly specific, pre-biopsy, prostate cancer diagnostics (the latest international recommendations).

At the Out-patient Clinic on Skatertniy, urologists use a new method for diagnosing prostate cancer from blood indicators and determining the specific PCA-3 gene in the urine.

The prostate health index is a reliable way to detect cancer before biopsy.

Why are PSA indicators high?

PSA analysis should be passed by all men 40+ every year. The high PSA level indicates a problem, but not always prostate cancer. The cause of increase may be an infection or injury, or any other reason. Biopsy is usually used to make an accurate diagnosis, but this procedure is uncomfortable. The alternative method of data collection is PHI blood test. In case of low PHI, the physician may refuse from biopsy and continue observation.

PHI analysis helps to avoid biopsy upon alleged prostate cancer.

The Prostate Health Index (PHI) is a modern method of prostate cancer detection before biopsy. PHI blood test is recommended in case of increase in PSA indicators by 2-10 ng/ml. To date, this analysis is the most reliable method of prostate cancer detection before biopsy. It is included in international medical standards in many countries of the world.

A genetic predisposition for prostate cancer may also be one of the indications for PHI analysis. The genetic pattern is shown by PCA-3 gene expression test.

Increased PCA-3 gene expression is determined only in prostate gland cells upon a malignant neoplasm. The high specificity of PCA-3 test ensures the accurate determination of indications for additional cancer diagnostics: biopsy or PHI analysis.

For any urological issues, you may consult our urologists:

Examination appointment: 

8 (495) 697-00-00

Cost: Prostate Health Index (complex blood test to diagnose prostate tumors (PHI)) – RUB 6,220
Determination of PCA-3 gene expression (urinalysis) – RUB 5,500