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Organization of an office medical unit (telemedicine)

Advantages of organization of an office medical unit:

  • You can send the results of tests and studies performed in other institutions to the clinic's e-mail for inclusion into the electronic medical history

  • The health unit's physician can remotely see all the relevant data of the electronic medical history (Out-patient Clinic on Skatertniy)

  • The physician enters the examination results into the electronic medical history online

  • The health unit's physician can arrange a teleconference with any narrow specialist of the Out-patient Clinic on Skatertniy

For agreement conclusion, please send a letter in the company's official form on the intention to conclude an agreement. Letter to Director, Plotnikov Anton Olegovich. Do not forget to specify contact details (telephone and name of the responsible person).

For more details on conclusion of the agreement, please call by phone: 8 (495) 697-20-49.
