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Medical Rehabilitation Department

Head of department:

Bessonova Tatyana Ivanovna, High-Level Certificate Physiotherapist.

The rehabilitation treatment department of the branch applies methods for treatment and health improvement purposes. These methods are often available only in health resorts.

The department has a hydropathic unit with the following services:

  • Charcot's douche;
  • underwater shower massage;
  • various medicinal baths: pine, iodine-bromine and sea salt baths.

Algae wrap is carried out.

Therapeutic and mechanical massage are applied.

The electrotherapy room is equipped with the advanced physiotherapy equipment. Laser therapy is widely used.

The following procedures are offered:

  • heat therapy — paraffin therapy and ozokeritotherapy;
  • inhalation: mineral, medicinal, haloinhalation;
  • extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

The therapeutic physical training room is equipped with various simulators; the following services are offered: skeletal traction of the spine, restoration of spinal functions using a swing machine; mechanotherapy of joints of lower extremities. The department has developed and successfully applies health improving, anticellulite and rehabilitation programmes.

The rehabilitation treatment department offers a new type of massage based on the use of GESS SYMPHONIE multifunctional medical chair with 3D technology upon musculoskeletal and bronchopulmonary diseases.

Massage affects deep muscle layers. Muscles relax, tension and pain are released. The spine and major joints are smoothly stretched. Massage has a stimulating effect on muscles upon their hypotrophy; general healing effect upon asthenic states and during the recovery from past diseases, including respiratory diseases.

Mechanical massage on GESS SYMPHONIE chair is a pleasant additional procedure under anticellulite programmes. It is also applied in the complex treatment of prostatitis. Before the start of massage, the 3D navigator automatically records the muscle relief, the shape of the patient's skeleton at this very moment and adjusts the chair specifically for the patient. During massage the screen displays massage areas and the selected mode of the chair. Operating parameters of the chair and patient's well-being are monitored by a qualified specialist with High-Level Certificate.

Massage duration — 15 minutes. Massage gives lightness in muscles, charges all organs and systems with energy.

Mechanical massage applies: upon osteochondrosis of various localization, scapula humerus periarthrosis, arthrosis of major and minor joints, bronchopulmonary diseases, vascular diseases of lower extremities (without past thrombophlebitis).

Contraindications: osteoporosis, tumor diseases.