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Intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous drug administration are available.

Taking blood samples from the vein: 8:00–10:00, daily, Sunday excluding, Saturday: 8:30–10:00.

Blood samples are taken with disposable Sarstedt vacuum syringe tubes (Germany) for the following laboratory tests:

  • biochemical blood analysis;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • sex hormones;
  • tumor markers;
  • prostate-specific antigen (PSA);
  • HIV, syphilis, hepatitis A, B, C.
  • urinary infections;
  • helicobacteriosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • giardiasis;
  • rubella;
  • PCR-based diagnostics (hepatitis B, C, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • coagulogram;
  • allergen skin tests;
  • immune status.
Dear patients! Please note, blood samples are taken strictly on an empty stomach! Finger prick is carried out in the clinical laboratory, daily: 8:00-11:00 and 14:00-16:00, Saturday: 8:30-11:00 and 14:00- 15:00.

Preventive vaccination:

  • Influenza vaccination using imported and domestic vaccines.
  • Vaccination against human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, 18) using Gardasil vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine.