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Endocrinology is a science of structure and function of endocrine glands, products they produce and diseases caused by endocrine disorders.

Endocrine malfunction causes damage to different endocrine glands that regulate the function of the whole body. Such diseases pose danger because damage to glands that produce hormones leads to the risk of associated diseases of tissues and organs. These diseases require observation, treatment and elimination of hormonal disorders.  

Main tasks of the room: restoration of functions affected as a result of the disease, maintenance of the performance level and patient's adaptation to the surrounding conditions and environment. Diagnostics and treatment of patients with various endocrine diseases are carried out: diabetes mellitus, type 1 and 2: self-control training, calculation of bread units, selection of glucose-lowering and insulin therapy, treatment of diabetes complications: diabetic  polyneuropathy, nephropathy, diabetic macroangiopathy: coronary heart disease and cardiac failure; obesity, metabolic syndrome (calculation of daily calorie needs, preparation of a balanced diet, non-drug and drug weight correction), thyroid, adrenal, hypothalamic-pituitary diseases; phosphorus and calcium metabolism disorders (osteoporosis, hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism), follow-up of pregnant women with endocrine pathology.

Treatment of endocrine pathologies can be carried out based on various factors. Procedures are selected based on the disease, include various methods of physiotherapy, mud therapy, ozokerite applications, therapeutic massage, balneotherapy, psychotherapy, therapeutic diets, physical therapy and other treatment.

The complex of our services helps to achieve optimal compensation of the disease, improve well-being, normalize body weight in the most gentle and physiologically justified ways.