About the department
The room is used for:
- Comprehensive examination using functional, laboratory, ultrasound diagnostics to identify the causes of cardiovascular diseases
- Individual therapy selection based on age, risk factors for cardiovascular pathologies, as well as the concomitant pathology
- Patient follow-up after cardiac surgery
Main areas of activity include diagnostics and treatment of:
- Rhythm disturbances
- Coronary heart disease, consequences of myocardial infarction
- Hypertensive disease and arterial hypertension
- Heart failure of various etiology
- Disrupted lipid metabolism, metabolic syndrome
- Syndrome of minor cardiac abnormalities
Diagnostic methods applied:
- Study of the lipid spectrum and cardiac enzymes of blood
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Stress testing with physical activity (bicycle ergometry, treadmill stress test, General Electric equipment)
- Echocardiography with Doppler analysis
- Doppler ultrasound of vessels (transcranial vessels of the brain, brachiocephalic vessels, renal arteries, arteries of upper and lower extremities)
- 24-hour Holter heart rate monitoring
- 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
Patients can also pass a comprehensive treatment and diagnostic programme:
Voronovo Sanatorium
Tatyana AlekseevnaHigh-Level Certificate
CardiologistLength of service: more than 20 years
Voronovo Sanatorium
Елена АлександровнаLength of service: more than 20 years